Boost Your Pet’s Immunity: A Quick Guide to Natural Supplements
Discover the impact of the right supplements, from medicinal mushrooms to omega-3 fatty acids, on your pet’s immune health and overall well-being.
Discover the impact of the right supplements, from medicinal mushrooms to omega-3 fatty acids, on your pet’s immune health and overall well-being.
Have you heard of “Golden Paste”? It’s a healthy and easily digestible paste made from turmeric that can help reduce inflammation, and skin irritations, and improve gut health in dogs and humans alike.
Best of all, Golden Paste takes only minutes to make with ingredients most of us already have in our kitchens.
Golden Paste is typically made with a combination of ground or fresh turmeric, coconut oil, and black pepper.
Turmeric, an herb belonging to the ginger family, contains several compounds, collectively known as curcuminoids. The most well-known is curcumin, which gives turmeric its orange color. Curcuminoids are known to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and possible anti-cancer effects.
Adding a small amount (½-1 tbsp) of Golden Paste to your pet’s bowl at meal time can aid in:
Like any new food or supplement, we recommend gradually introducing Golden Paste into your pet’s diet. Turmeric has a very potent taste, and sometimes dogs will not want anything to do with it. Therefore, it is important to slowly introduce the new flavors to their palate. Once a dog has become accustomed to the paste, the recommended dosage is:
Turmeric paste can have some minor side effects and it is important to monitor your pet for any negative reactions.. If improperly dosed, dogs may experience gastrointestinal distress. If you notice your dog is showing any negative symptoms —like loose stool or diarrhea— decrease the dose and follow up with your veterinarian.
If you think your dog’s health may benefit from Golden Paste, give this easy recipe a try! Even though your dog won’t experience instant results, you should see some positive changes in a few weeks!
Pumpkin is a commonly recommended supplement for dogs and cats for everything from loose stool to constipation to an occasional bowl topper or a regular supplement. But what is it about pumpkin that makes it so great for your pet? Let’s find out what makes this sweet treat a favorite among vets and nutritionists!
Pumpkin is rich in dietary fiber – both soluble and insoluble.
Because pumpkin contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, it can essentially help to normalize your pet’s stool, whether it’s too loose or too firm. It’s a win-win situation!
As a preventative, pumpkin is an excellent source of prebiotics that feed the good gut bacteria- probiotics. This is a wonderful addition for any pet with a sensitive stomach as it can aid in the digestive process. Also, since roughly 80% of your pet’s immune system resides in their gut, a happy belly can mean a healthier pet!
Pets need food that allows them to consume all their vitamins and minerals. Pumpkin is packed with essential vitamins and minerals:
Not only is pumpkin a great source of vitamins and minerals your pet needs, but it also assists with the absorption of these nutrients to improve many functions of their body.
Kibble-fed pets often live in a mild state of dehydration, as the body pulls moisture from itself to digest the dry food. Therefore, adding moisture to your pet’s kibble is essential. Adding moisture-rich pumpkin can help to keep your pet well hydrated. Added moisture is crucial for not only the digestive process but also…
Pumpkin is super versatile for your furry friends. You can include it as a treat, bowl topper, or toy filler. Pumpkin is worth the hype! With the holidays right around the corner, include your pet in the holiday festivities and try incorporating more pumpkin into your pet’s diet!
*This article is for informational purposes only. It is not meant to provide medical advice or replace the advice of a qualified veterinarian.
News Flash: The study in question is NOT peer-reviewed. It’s also strictly theoretical, meaning it may (likely) not work, or even be dangerous.
I could probably go on forever questioning why the media (and even some “reputable” associations) continue to share non-peer reviewed, non-verified information, but I won’t. We know a great headline catches clicks and shares. And before you go on and say this has absolutely nothing to do with pets, or pet food – it does! This is just parallel example about how bad science is used to propagate either a false sense of security, fear – and sell a product. I’m also not “anti” CBD, but that isn’t the point. There are several applications where it is useful for pets and people, but in this instance there simply an overabundance of bad information swirling around CBD preventing and/or treating COVID-19 that makes for a great example for my point: why it is so important to dive deeper into everything.
I hope that those who read this see it as an opportunity to learn how to challenge information and data. So often we look for someone to just give us “the answer” and it is just not that simple. Determining what is right for you and your pet in your unique situation will take some work. Take this article as an example of how to learn about how to do that work, vet your sources and arrive at an educated conclusion.
FDA Oversight & COVID-19
As a background to the entire discussion it is important to realize that an “era of speed to market” is upon us. The FDA has allowed some alternative testing methods while also accelerating the process for drug and vaccine development. While the FDA is still overseeing these processes, they are reviewing studies and data more efficiently given the current pandemic. Having said that, the FDA has also acknowledged that many companies are trying to take advantage of people’s fears by offering up solutions like X, Y and Z – and if you see CBD companies using this “study” to gain attention it is proof of just that. In fact, the FDA has been aggressively sending warning and cease/desist letters to companies making these claims because they are in clear violation of the Food Drug & Cosmetic Act. You can see a lot of those warning letters for CBD companies here: FDA Issues CBD Warning Letters.
This isn’t the first time companies have taken advantage of a crisis, or preyed upon people’s fears and vulnerabilities. Manufacturers of colloidal silver products have also recently received warning letters for claims that it prevents and/or treats COVID-19. We can only wait for irresponsible CBD companies to make unsubstantiated claims coming off the heels of this “study”. One would hope that this prompts CBD manufacturers and marketing agencies to be responsible and transparent with their products.
Understanding Peer-Review vs. Non-Peer-Reviewed
The public largely doesn’t realize that research journals, some great and some not so great, are pre-publishing papers without peer-review. This is simply to share current research and information freely with other researchers for the sake of collaboration. Typically, a lot of this information is not as easily accessible to the public because many of these papers are somewhat gated through journal memberships, and/or with a pay-per-article download/view. Research manuscripts go through vetting processes which doesn’t eliminate, but at least filters out a lot of “bad science” before it makes its way out to the public and media outlets. This current “open access” of information is a great thing for the scientific community – however it is NOT a great thing to be circulating potentially harmful and incomplete information to the general public who generally does not understand if this information is verified, factual or theoretical – they simply see “study” and think, it MUST be true because it’s “science”. Unfortunately humans make mistakes, manipulate data and come to flawed conclusions – either by error, omission and/or on purpose. Hence the need for peer-review.
Not Applicable to “The Real World”
The reality is that much of the information out there regarding Covid-19 prevention and treatment is inapplicable to the real world as they are preliminary experiments that were conducted in a controlled environment, on small scales and with measured variables – and many have not had peer-review. This will obviously change over time, but this is the current reality and the reason why so many people are working on this all over the world at warp speed. Am I Covid-19 or infectious disease expert? No. But I do know how research works and what the value of scaling research, test-retest repeatability and of course the value in peer-review and critical analysis– and much of the information out there has little to none of it.
The CBD/COVID-19 Study:
So, to finally summarize this COVID-19/CBD “study”; researchers acknowledge that SARS-CoV2 is transmitted through respiratory droplets, with potential for aerosol and contact spread. The virus uses receptor-mediated entry into the human host via angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE2) that is expressed in lung tissue, as well as oral and nasal mucosa, kidney, testes, and the gastrointestinal tract.
Having said that, the researchers hypothesize (educated guess) that a theoretical path for combating, or decreasing susceptibility, of this virus could be modulation of ACE2 levels in these gateway tissues. The researchers have potentially identified 13 high CBD-C containing C. sativa varieties of the hemp plant that have the potential to modulate ACE2 gene expression and ACE2 protein levels. Further, their initial data suggest that some C. sativa extract down-regulate serine protease TMPRSS2, another critical protein required for SARS-CoV2 entry into host cells. They theorize that these substances could be used as an active ingredient in a mouthwash-type product to reduce the incidence of viral entry via the oral mucosa.
It’s also important to note that all of the authors are employed by one or more start-up companies engaged in medical cannabis and disease research. While not always the case, this could lead to bias in the results. Again, this further highlighting the need for peer-review.
STUDY CONCLUSION: The authors recognize that their hypothesis needs further large-scale validation as a potential AJUNCT therapy (not mainline treatment) for COVID-19.
The Study in Context and the Media:
Unfortunately, we didn’t see the media articles explain the mouthwash as an adjunct treatment. Leaving the general public, the potential to assume that smoking or using other various marijuana and/or hemp products could help prevent and/or treat COVID-19. The sad thing is that people will read headlines at face value and think that smoking a sativa strain of the hemp plant may provide some protection or therapy against COVID-19. Worse, it may influence some to try using this for their pets. Regardless, we know that smoking is actually increases risk-factors for COVID-19 complications and other respiratory diseases. This just highlights the medias frenzy to distribute click-worthy information, without verification and obviously without regard for human (or animal) health or safety. If only the media visited they would have found a highlight at the top that says “This version is not peer-reviewed” which is an indicator that it should not have been widely distributed.
In conclusion, it’s important to always vet the source of any information relating to health and nutrition. Find the original source of the information, in this case it happened to be a non-peer-reviewed theoretical paper which needs validation of said theory. While it may provide hope as an adjunct therapy for some, only a series of carefully designed scientific experiments, trials and validation methods will tell. Take that for what it is worth.
Nicole Cammack
Nicci is the owner of award-winning NorthPoint Pets & Company, in Connecticut. She is also the Founder & CEO of Undogmatic Inc. Her undergraduate and graduate education includes biology, chemistry, business, and nutrition. She has worked in the pharmaceutical industry on multiple R&D projects and has had the privilege to learn from leading international figures in the human and pet health industry. She regularly lectures at national conferences, including federal, state, and municipal K9 events. Her current research involves identifying pathogenic risk factors and transmission among raw fed pets through a comprehensive worldwide survey.
What’s the best way to maintain your pet’s coat? While grooming needs will vary from pet to pet, here are a few basics to consider.
First, it’s important to note that your grooming regimen should be customized for your pet. Some pets simply require weekly brushing, while others may need daily brushing with the help of topical treatments to prevent knots and matting. The term “grooming” refers simply to topical maintenance of the coat and not necessarily a visit to the groomer.
Routine grooming is essential to maintaining your pet’s healthy coat. A regular routine has plenty of benefits not only for your pet but also for you:
Knowing when to and how to properly brush your pet will help enhance these benefits. The frequency of brushing will depend on multiple factors, including your pet’s breed. Normally, we recommend short-haired pets to be brushed once weekly, and pets with longer-haired coats should be brushed roughly 3 to 4 times weekly. Long-haired coats need more maintenance as they are more prone to creating mats and/or knots if unkempt.
Two products that may assist with your weekly routine are detangling sprays or grooming wipes. Detangling sprays are great because they leave your pet smelling wonderful and help reduce friction between the hair follicles, therefore causing less damage to the coat when brushing. Grooming wipes come in handy to spot clean dirty areas, wipe paws and faces, or just freshen up between baths. Grooming wipes are also excellent for pet owners who have allergies to things like pollen or weeds because you can wipe your pet down when they come in from outside to reduce allergens being carried in on their fur.
When your pet’s coat isn’t groomed frequently enough, it can cause the buildup of dead hair and skin cells that will ultimately lead to painful mats. These problems can lead to mild or moderate itchiness, sores, or even severe wounds. They can even cut off blood circulation in severe cases.
If you notice itchy skin, dry patches, sores, hotspots, redness, or swelling on the skin, you may need to consider making changes to your pet’s diet regimen. Several factors come into play here because the food your pet consumes directly impacts the health of their gut microbiome, which reflects the skin and coat health.
For example, cereal and starchy foods can often lead to inflammation which can cause itchiness. Sensitivities to other ingredients should be discussed to determine if a food change and/or elimination may be helpful.
Another factor in maintaining coat health is omega 3’s. Omega 3’s are essential fatty acids that have great benefits for the skin and coat. Dogs and cats cannot produce their own, so supplementation through diet is key. Omega 3’s contain EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) which are essential for anti-inflammatory purposes, growth development, heart function, brain function, and vision.
Despite how crucial omega 3’s are, they are not required in commercial pet food. Therefore, it is recommended to still supplement your pet’s food with omega 3 capsules or liquid (we recommend Nordic Naturals). Visit us in-store to discuss appropriate dosing for your pet.
Solomon, Dr. Donna. “Fish Oil for Dogs and Cats: Six Benefits.” Animal Medical Center of Chicago, 15 Aug. 2018,
Easter, Fanna. “Are Dog Wipes Worth It?” Dog Training Nation, 17 Jan. 2017,
“A Wonder-Fur World: Why Pets Need Regular Grooming.” Ethos Veterinary Health, 29 Oct. 2021,,irritation%20and%20other%20skin%20problems.
Ontario SPCA and Humane Society. “The Benefits of Brushing Your Furry Friend.” Ontario SPCA and Humane Society, 6 Jan. 2022,
Craig JM. Atopic dermatitis and the intestinal microbiota in humans and dogs.
Veterinary Medicine and Science, (2016), 2, pp. 95-105 John Wiley & Sons Ltd, accessed August 26, 2022.
Dry kibble is often the convenient food choice for dog owners. However, kibble isn’t always as healthy as the commercials lead us to believe. What if there was an easy and inexpensive way to make your pet’s kibble more tail-wagging exciting?
Pet owners have been turning to CBD to promote calm and relaxation in the presence of chronic pain, anxiety, and inflammation. We are frequently asked about CBD, so we wanted to create this quick primer to answer some of your most pressing questions.
Your pet’s dental health is an important piece of their overall health and wellness. Oral disease can be caused by diet, genetics, or poor oral care. Poor dental health can lead to other ailments, which is why pet owners should learn how to care for their pet’s teeth early. As with most ailments, prevention of oral disease is key. Taking preventative steps saves you the time, stress, and money it takes to treat oral disease down the road.
Good preventative care should:
What it is: A very fine, tasteless, and odorless prebiotic-based powder you add to your dog’s water.
How it works: Teef! promotes healthy teeth, gums, and fresh breath by encouraging the growth of healthy bacteria in the mouth.
How to use: Add Teef! powder into your pet’s water bowl.
What it is: A powdered cheese enzymatic meal topper for cats and dogs.
How it works: The first four ingredients are actually dried cheeses, which aside from being super tasty, makes your pet salivate. The saliva activates the enzymes that help to break down some of the sugary starches left in your pet’s mouth after eating and helps flush out some of the bad bacteria.
How to use: Sprinkle it over your pet’s meal or spread across your pet’s teeth and gums with your finger.
*Pro Tip: Picky eaters (and kitties) LOVE the smell and taste of DentaTreat. After all, who doesn’t love cheese!?
What they are: Small round medicated wipes formulated to clean your dog’s teeth and gums.
How they work: Dental wipes remove and prevent dangerous plaque, tartar, and bacteria for optimal oral health and hygiene.
How to use: Working from back to front, wipe medicated pad on the inner and outer teeth and gums. For best results, use twice daily after each meal.
NPP Pick: Nootie dental wipes
What they are: Natural and/or synthetic chews designed to scrape plaque off your dog’s teeth and massage the gums. Synthetic chews (Nylabone and Benebone) have unique shapes and textures infused with flavors.
How they Work: These physically scrape off plaque and tartar and massage the gums while your dog chews on them. They will naturally wear down gradually as your dog chews.
What it is: A digestible chew that targets plaque and freshens breath.
How it works: Dental chews are soft enough to bend but tough enough to pull plaque and tartar as your dog chews on them. They typically contain non-toxic oils (such as rosemary, peppermint, or lemongrass) to freshen breath.
How to use: Give these to your dog once daily. They will be chewed and digested in one sitting.
NPP Pick: Merrick Fresh Kisses
What they are: Meaty bones (such as chicken, duck, or turkey necks) are mostly meat and cartilage and will be consumed entirely. Recreational bones (beef marrow bones) have small amounts of meat/cartilage attached and will be chewed but not consumed entirely.
How they work: These physically scrape off plaque and tartar and massage the gums while your pet chews on them.
How to use them: Introduce raw bones into your pet’s diet slowly. Start with short chewing sessions that are 5-10 minutes in duration and gradually increase chewing time. Learn more about how to safely feed raw bones here.
What it is: A fresh food diet rich in minimally processed protein and fat from animal sources, with little to no starchy carbohydrates.
How it works: While diet will not necessarily clean your pet’s teeth, the minimal carbohydrate percentage in a raw food diet means less bacteria that cause oral disease – which is the best step you can take to prevent the growth of plaque and tartar. Raw food diets also contain natural dietary enzymes that protect the teeth and gums. Lastly, these diets do not contain harmful aflatoxins and skip the chemical compounds that put stress on your pet’s immune system.
How to use: We recommend using commercially prepared raw food items as a compliment to your pet’s diet or as a complete meal.
This is the gold standard in preventative oral care for your pet. Leftover food particles stuck between teeth and gums are swept away with brushing motion. For maximum benefits, brush your pet’s teeth daily after meals.
How to do it: It’s best to introduce teeth brushing as a regular occurrence for your pet, so it becomes part of your daily routine. Start by using your finger to massage the teeth and gums. Once they have adjusted to your finger in their mouth, you can start using a finger brush, and then graduate to using a pet toothbrush.
Pets are unique and there is no “one-size-fits-all” when it comes to dental hygiene. Take time to find what your pet likes and what works best for your pet’s dietary needs, genetics, and lifestyle.
At NPP, we’re passionate about the health and wellness of all your pets. Just for fun, we sat down with each team member individually and asked the same 3 questions, without sharing their answers with the rest of the team. Here are their answers!
Jenna: Add some fresh food to the bowl.
Beth: Hydrate it.
Savannah: At least hydrate it, always. Kibble is so dehydrating.
Tina: Add SOMETHING fresh.
Nikki: Feed the BEST you can afford, and always add moisture with fresh fruits and veggies.
Nicci: Add SOME fresh food to the bowl.
Caitlyn: Kibble should always be hydrated.
Adriana: Always hydrate your kibble even if it’s just something as simple as water.
Morgan: Hydrate it.
Mercedes: Hydrate it.
Jenna: A little bit of fresh food in the bowl goes a long way!
Beth: You’re overfeeding.
Savannah: At least consider the benefits of a raw diet.
Tina: You’re feeding too much.
Nikki: You’re feeding too much.
Nicci: Your dog isn’t allergic to chicken.
Cailtyn: Rotation of flavors/proteins is highly recommended.
Adriana: You’re overfeeding.
Morgan: You’re overfeeding.
Mercedes: Wash your food and water bowls!
Jenna: Your pet’s health will improve ten-fold by replacing any processed kibble with fresh food.
Beth: It’s the cleanest way to feed your pet.
Savannah: Because it’s so much better for them – it improves EVERYTHING for your pet.
Tina: For the same reason WE need fresh food in our diet.
Nikki: It’s healthier, for a fuller enriched life.
Nicci: Decreased inflammation.
Caitlyn: A fresh/raw diet is more biologically appropriate for dogs and cats.
Adriana: For their pet’s overall wellbeing and to tackle common health conditions.
Morgan: Fresh food benefits your pet’s whole body – starting with their organs.
Mercedes: It’s super low in carbohydrates.
YES! 80% of your pet’s immune system resides in the gut, meaning healthy gut flora is incredibly important for overall health and wellbeing.
Pro-Tip: Itchy skin, bad breath, ear infections, picky eating, and even anxiety can indicate an unhealthy gut. Your pet’s poop only shows a small part of a very BIG picture.
DIY Dog Wash closes one hour prior to store close.
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